Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It Means No Worries...

Had an awesome weekend -- went on a proper Zambezi River boat tour and game drive at Chobe National Park in Botswana. Despite the bleak animal forecast as it's rainy season here (less likely that the game will be traveling far to access water, etc.), I saw a lot of animals, including: lions!, impala, kudu, antelope, crocodile, hippos, giraffes, baboon, warthogs, a variety of local birds, and a LOT of elephants. Botswana (according to our guide) has one of the most dense populations of elephants anywhere, and we must have seen at least 100+ during the afternoon tour. Interestingly, elephants actually have very dark skin (apparent after they have a bath), but like to coat themselves in mud and dirt in order to protect their skin from sensitivity to sun. Hippos also protect their skin from harsh sun by staying in the water during the day. Their skin is relatively thinner, and produces a red jelly like substance that has antibiotic roles in protecting from infections in the cracked skin. Pictures will probably have to come in slow batches, again, but here's some to get you started. (Also had another amazing adventure at Victoria Falls -- but that caption will have to go on the next entry.) Hakuna matata! :)

* Good luck to my buddy Dan on his Research in Progress talk tomorrow! You will do great!!

1 comment:

  1. Lions and giraffes and hippos and elephants! That's so awesome!
